R. Bazin (French, 20th Century), 'Still life with kettle, cup and jug'


R. Bazin (French, 20th Century)

Still life with kettle, cup and jug

Oil on canvas

Signed ‘R BAZIN’ (lower left)

15 x 18 in. (38 x 46 cm.)

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R. Bazin (French, 20th Century)

Still life with kettle, cup and jug

Oil on canvas

Signed ‘R BAZIN’ (lower left)

15 x 18 in. (38 x 46 cm.)

R. Bazin (French, 20th Century)

Still life with kettle, cup and jug

Oil on canvas

Signed ‘R BAZIN’ (lower left)

15 x 18 in. (38 x 46 cm.)

Serra, 'Homage au violin'
William Henry Barribal, 'See my coat tails flying!'
Louis Robert Arthur Latapie, 'La Modele'
Boris Buchet, 'Grapes, apples, tea cup and a tea pot'